Vol. 3, No. 6; December 2016

Table of Contents
Selective Scheduling: An Alternative Class Scheduling Procedure
Floyd F. Robison
Abstract Full Text
Sensing an Audience: Beyond Persuasion or a letter to Aunt Matilda
Carolyn Mamchur
Abstract Full Text
The Perspectives and Experiences of High School Students towards the Environment –The Case of North Alabama
Colmore Christian, Santosh Kumar Ojha, Berneece Herbert
Abstract Full Text
An Exploration into the Family Backgrounds and Educational Expectations of Indigenous Students with Academic Achievement as an Intervening Variable
Feng-Ying Chou, Cheng-Chang Jeng*, Cheng-Hsiu Li
Abstract Full Text
The Level of Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Mothers of Autistic, Down Syndrome and Typical Development Children in Albania
Jesus Blerina Aliaj
Abstract Full Text
Action Research: Student’s Communication Skill through Peer Learning Method-(Regional Development - GMJT3124) Group B
Norlaila Abdullah Chik
Abstract Full Text
Simas eric Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Ericka Darmawan, Siti Zubaidah, Herawati Susilo, Hadi Suwono
Abstract Full Text
School Characteristics and the Implementation of Automatic Promotion: Implications for Literacy in English-speaking Primary Schools in Cameroon
ENDELEY Margaret Nalova
Abstract Full Text
Think-Tac-Toe Game Strategy: Its effect on the Students’ Performance in Chemistry
Enelene T. Perez, Arlene C. Dolotallas, Ph.D.
Abstract Full Text
Implications of Spiritual Leadership on Organizations
Pamela H. Scott, Ed.D; Stephanie Tweed, Ed.D
Abstract Full Text