Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Bio Ethics and Scientific Learning in Rural States with HBCUs as Natural Living- Learning Laboratories: Contemporary Dubois-Washington Thinking For Social Justice in Modern Times
Dawn Bishop McLin, Joseph Martin Stevenson, Carrine H. Bishop, Anthony V. Junior

This commentary poses and discusses such questions as: How can historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBUs) in rural states serve as leading living-learning laboratories for their communities, their regions, and the outer academic world? How can bioethics topics help teach students what is morally right? How can bioethics topics help teach students about healthy living, scientific thinking, and the development of a life philosophy? How can bioethics help teach students about the interdependent relationships between physiological, mental and physical worlds? And, How can bioethics help teach students about the trans-disciplinary relations between social science, health ethics and medical science? HBCUs with the research mission and continued commitment to social justice must be both responsive and responsible for setting the national agenda for human life and physiological reproduction in the African American community. Learning laboratories and the living landscape in rural America are formative and instructive venues to continue this commitment to social justice and can respond, with human ingenuity, through science education at the pre-collegiate and collegiate levels and in rural settings. Bioethics has impactful implications and social relevance to self-reliance and scientific research, especially in rural environments that are often sociologically poor but agriculturally rich.

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