Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Education Expenditures by State and Inequality in Mexico 2000-2014
Jesus Salgado-Vega, Maria del Carmen Salgado-Vega, Sergio Miranda-Gonzalez

Public expenditure has contributed to deep eningine quality and poverty in the way it is distributed across different educational levels and regions of Mexico. Public expenditure is the main instrument used by societies to promote education, especially in conditions of extreme inequality, as in the case of Mexico. The relationship between the orientations of public expenditure dedicated to the university level in comparison to the amount spent on primary education (tertiary tilt), is considered a key element of inequality reduction. This research studies the relationship of Gini index of enrollment in basic education, tertiary tilt and Gross Domestic product (GDP) with panel models and a long-run study of per capita GDP on expenditures in basic education, basic enrollment and GDP growth rate; thus identifying this relationship and its effects by State, this research will establish a proposal on the planning of public expenditure on education per level.

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