Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Integrative-training projects as a strategy to develop professional skills in future engineers
Dr. C. LeobardoMendoOstos, M.Sc. Hector GarcĂ­aAzuara, Lourdes Tarifa Lozano

The results of an investigation developed at the National Technological Institute of Mexico / Tantoyuca campus with students of the 6th semester of petroleum engineering are presented, in which the role played by students in a collaborative learning environment that demands challenges is investigated. For the experimentation, the methodology "integrative-formative project" was applied in order to generate a new way for students to develop skills. The hypothesis that led the research was: Will this type of learning environment "integrative-formative project" achieve the incorporation of the student in a leading role in the process of building professional competencies? By participating in this project during the professional training process, the student learns to learn, applies knowledge to solve problems, develops research activities and has an interdisciplinary and metacognitive vision. It constituted experiential experiences in solving desirable aspects for companies and produced satisfactions in students and teachers

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