The Influence of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on the High School Student Outcomes
Mohd Nasir Rayung Abdul Said Ambotang
This study aims to identify the influence of emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) on the level of student outcomes (SO) of college students in Tawau Sabah, Malaysia. In addition, researchers also measure the level of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and student outcomes based on respondents' demographic characteristics. This study involved 322 students randomly selected as a sample of the study. The instrument was modified from Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I), Emotional Spiritual Intelligence (ESQ) and Malaysian Education Quality Standard. The findings showed that the level of EQ, SQ and SO students was high. The data analysis also showed that there were no differences in EQ, SQ and SO levels by gender. While the student flow group shows the difference according to SO level. Category of racial groups shows a significant difference to EQ, SQ and SO. The findings also showed that there was a strong positive relationship between EQ and SQ with SO students. both of these variables are able to predict 56.70% of the student's outcomes. The implication of this study will hopefully reinforce the teaching and learning theory and practice to help improve students' outcomes by applying the EQ and SQ elements in line with the basic philosophy of National Education (FPN) to produce a balanced, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual person.
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