Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Globalization or Colonization: Post- Colonial Civic Education in Palestine, Jordan, And the US
AbdEl Hadi Basheer

In today’s world, schooling has been used to represent the engine of economic, individual growth, and global competitiveness. Specifically, schooling has been linked to national security, international donor agencies, and policy makers as a means to secure political domination. We are now in the age of globalization; however, globalization has been regarded as a phenomenon that carries implications, which are a threat to all communities. Contemporary intellectuals went as far and described globalization as the current legacy of colonialism. This article aims to discuss globalization and civic education with the focus on Palestine, Jordan and the United States. The discussion aims to bring about the parameters of globalization from a postcolonial perspective, its historical evolution, and its implication for the civic education curriculum of Palestine, Jordan, and United States. This article concludes that globalization in the Western canon reinforce colonialist ideology through its representation of colonization in civic education curriculum in Palestine and Jordan.

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