Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

The Effect of Anxiety and Emotional Intelligence on Students’ Learning Process
Sara Hashempour, Aida Mehrad

A lot of teachers don’t know what exactly anxiety and emotional intelligenceare and how they can impact on student’s learning. Academic Anxiety will be happened amongst students when they feel intense worry about upcoming and previous incidence, too much self-concern and high focus on acting proficiently or they motivate by various items. Students with high level of anxiety most of the time misinterpreted or overstated the importance of the situation. If the situation is not managed correctly negative consequences may happen. In addition, students that show emotional intelligence toward different items can growth their skills in educational situation. Various expressions have been used to describe experience of emotional intelligence and academic anxiety. This study, talk over the relation of those terms associated with characterizing and conceptualizing of working memory, emotional intelligence and learning process.

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