Right to Information: The Basic Need of Democracy
Rajeev Kumar Singh
The term Democracy refers to a government chosen by the people, whether it is direct or representative. This
word “democracy” (Demo (people) and (Crates (rule) was coined in ancient Greek called Athenian democracy,
originally has two distinguishing features: firstly the allotment of ordinary citizens to government offices and
courts and secondly the assembly of the citizens. Accountability and transparency are the two eyes of democracy.
People are the master and they have right to watch the performance and business of the government. They have
right to know that how they are being governed. Veil of secrecy restricts the vision of the citizens to see the
working of government. In the present scenario knowledge has become the most valuable resource. Corruption
and abuse of power are the inevitable fall outs of an unaccountable system of governance. The right to
information when vested in people can act as a deterrent against corruption and abuse of power. The right to
information is a means to ensure open government and to empower the people. The Right to Information Act,
2005 has categorically disclosed information’s related to public authorities to provide for setting out the practical
regime of right to information for citizens in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of
every public authority.
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