Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

A Decomposed Model of Technical Facilitating Conditions, Organizational Facilitating Conditions, AI Adoption, and Quality of Healthcare Information System in the UAE
Sana Ali Abdulla Bin Yarouf Al Naqbi; Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin; Samer Ali Al-shami

UAE has a continuous interest in the adoption of AI in the healthcare sector and the target of becoming one of the best medical and healthcare destinations in the world. In adjacent, there is a lack of knowledge of how AI can influence the use and quality of Health Information System (HIS) and the need for a comprehensive model of AI adoption. Therefore, the study aims to investigate and analyse a model of AI adoption that is based on the technical and organisational facilitating conditions to predict and diagnose disease, which impacts the quality of HIS in UAE. The proposed conceptual framework is designed to explain the variance of quality of HIS by two main independent variables, which are technical facilitation conditions and organizational facilitating conditions. Additionally, AI adoption acts as a mediator. The conceptual framework is a hierarchical model in which technical facilitating conditions has three antecedents (IT infrastructure, IT unit professionalism, and IT vendor professionalism); and organisational facilitating conditions has three antecedents (HR-IT capacity, financial capacity, and managerial support). The research approach was deductive and used quantitative methods. The population consists of all staff working in hospitals and health care with duties in using the system for predicting and diagnosing disease includes specialist doctors, as well as healthcare administrative staff in government hospitals under the Emirates Health Services Establishment (EHS) in the UAE. The whole population size is 3500. Therefore, the actual dataset is 348, using the simple random sampling from the listed 17 hospitals in 2019/2020. The statistical analysis result revealed that the conceptual framework can explain 55.3% of the variance within the Quality of HIS. The results revealed IT vendor professionalism is not a significant predictor for the technical facilitating conditions. Technical facilitating conditions have no significant effect on the quality of HIS neither directly nor indirectly via the mediation of the AI adoption.

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