Medical Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs towards Firearm Ownership and Reporting
Aidan L Neustadtl MD, Alicia Kaneb BS, Alan D Neustadtl PhD, David Milzman MD
“Red flag” firearm laws are a tool for physicians to report those considered at risk for violence to become temporarily or permanently ineligible to own firearms. To effectively identify those posing a risk to themselves or others, physicians must be well educated on firearm law and safety. In this study, medical students were queried on their knowledge, attitudes, and actions surrounding firearm ownership using a short survey. Results found that students overwhelmingly believe gun control is an important issue and the majority support gun control. However, less than 40% of students were able to pass a 10-question quiz on current gun laws. This survey found that medical students favor gun control but lack knowledge about gun safety. Despite medical student’s passion about gun safety, there is a lack of knowledge about current gun laws. This discrepancy indicates a need to increase gun safety training and interventions during medical school.
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