What is the Effect of Using Language Arts Workstations in Success and Retention Rates in Spanish College Classes?
Yesenia Chavez, Ph.D.
Literacy workstations in language arts classes have been used for at least two decades in grades K-12 as valuable teaching resources, but their implementation is more limited at the college level (Chavez, 2019a). Currently, there is more research at the elementary classroom, followed by middle school, high school and college level. There is also some research about workstations in the job place. However, there is still debate on whether or not language arts workstations are helpful or not in language classes (Hampton et. al, 2015; Reese, 2011). This work supports the first theory and provides a guide of how to create Spanish language arts workstations. The workstations included use the four modes of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing as recommended by Carreira (2012). The results support a correlation between workstations and high academic success rate and high attendance rate among other results.
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