Association between Written School Nutrition Wellness Policies and the Observed Nutrition Environment within the Elementary Schools
Shadai Martin, PhD RDN; Jessica Meendering, PhD; Lacey McCormack, PhD, RDN
Background: Studies have demonstrated that written school wellness policies (SWPs) exist, but policies lack
comprehensiveness and vary widely in strength of the language used to address mandated components. SWPs should
support creating a healthy nutrition environment, however, it is unclear the extent to which they do. The aim of this
study was to examine the association between overall quality (strength and comprehensiveness) of written SWPs and
the observed physical, situational and policy nutrition environment and specific areas of interest within Midwestern
elementary schools.
Methods: Twenty-six schools were visited during the 2017-2018 academic year. At each school, SPAN-ET was used to
assess the physical, situational and policy environment within the school. Schools were categorized as ‘poor’, ‘fair’,
‘good’ and ‘best’ in each nutrition environment section based on the number of criteria met within specific areas of
interest. Written SWPs were scored by two trained researchers, using WellSAT 2.0, prior to the onsite school visit, and
strength and comprehensiveness of written SWPs were determined.
Results: Strength scores for the nutrition standards section of written SWPs were positively correlated with scores for
the observed garden features area of interest (r = .55, p<.01) and comprehensiveness scores for the nutrition
education section of written SWPs were negatively correlated with scores for the observed school meals area of
interest (r = -.53, p<.05). Mean written SWP nutrition section scores did not vary across observed physical, situational
or policy nutrition environment scores, or overall observed nutrition environment score.
Conclusion: Examining written SWPs together with the observed school environment can help to identify gaps between
how policies are written and how they are being implemented within schools. This information has the potential to
shape policy development, implementation and in turn, the school nutrition environment.
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