Using Student-Created Content Videos in Flipped Learning to Enhance Student Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Engagement, and Satisfaction
Dr. Kodwo Annan, Dr. Grace Onodipe, Dr. Andrew Stephenson
Student-created content videos in flipped learning environment provides a new methodology for teaching and learning.
This study examined effect of student-created content videos in statistics flipped classroom on students’ higher-order
thinking skills, engagement, and satisfaction. Explorative qualitative study was conducted using data from students’
surveys and tests from integrated and non-integrated student-created video flipped classrooms to measure students’
higher-order thinking skills, student engagement and satisfaction. Interviews and notes were conducted to support the
data. A randomized controlled trial was implemented to examine the impact of student-created content videos on
students’ higher-order thinking skills, engagement and satisfaction. The findings revealed that flipped learning with
student-created content videos is effective in increasing students’ higher-order thinking skills, engagement, and
satisfaction. The study posited that students who created their own content videos had more autonomous learning that
satisfied their needs, freedom, and satisfaction. Also, those students were more engaged in their learning process and
therefore became good and successful learners, consequently achieved high grades.
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