Implement a Four-Step Process to Achieve 360-Degree E-learning Accessibility
Dr. Cynthia Schreihans
For higher education’s e-learning (online and hybrid) courses, this paper shares a four-step pedagogical process titled, “360-Degree Accessibility.” Process implementation helps to improve success for disabled students; specifically, students with visual and auditory impairments that require the use of assisted technology devices for course comprehension. An effective e-learning environment with equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation is promoted. The steps expand upon instructor-based accessibility guidelines so that, all class participants learn and practice accessibility standards, inside and outside of a classroom. Accessibility knowledge gained provides enhancements to students’ social awareness and social responsibility. The differences between compliant and noncompliant practices are explained. Assisted technology, accessibility, discriminatory practices along with, e-learning parameters is defined. Examples of syllabus passages and student lesson plans are provided. Process success is recognized within a pilot study. Final comments encourage the instructional use of 360-Degree Accessibility within higher education’s e-learning courses.
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