Enhancing Children’s School Success through Parent Involvement/Family Engagement Programs
Dr. David E. Bartz, Dr. Cliff Karnes, Dr. Patrick Rice
Effective parent involvement/family engagement programs play a crucial role in advancing children’s education through enhancing their school success. These programs have the potential for significantly impacting children’s: (a) academic achievement, (b) behavior in school, (c) self-esteem, (d) socio-emotional development, (e) career expectations, (f) school attendance, (g) achievement motivation, and (h) promotion/school graduation. Examples of critical skills for parents and family members to practice for enhancing children’s school success are:(a) providing powerful everyday messages to their children that communicate high academic aspirations through positive expectations; (b) creating internal (intrinsic) motivation focused on a desire to work hard, persist, and have academic success; (c) providing love and support combined with structure and discipline; (d) sending consistent messages that embed the value of education; and (e) creating a physical and psychological life space environment for learning at home and in the local neighborhood that supports academic success at school.
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