Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Challenges of Student Teachers Placed in Poverty K12 Schools
Kurt Kreassig, Ed.D

The literature is clear, today’s K12teaching vacancies are more likely to occur in poverty schools and these schools require a stronger teacher skill set due to the complexity of student and community needs. Many teacher education program curriculum, coursework, and internships do not intentionally expose and engage students to the unique needs of poverty K12 students and communities. This study sought to determine if teacher preparation program students (n=86) placed in poverty schools during internships faced different challenges than program students placed in non-poverty schools during internships. Findings from school administrator evaluations of student teachers run counter to the literature. Recommendations, as a result of this study, are focused on the commitment to continuous program improvement and the requirements found in national accreditation standards to better prepare tomorrow’s teachers.

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