Professional Assessment Requires Professional Training
Piet Koppejan
Assessment in Higher Education requires qualitively high assessing. Curricula with student-regulated learning
demands assessments and assessing that aim on agentic engagement of students. Assessments and assessing
demanding lecturers to deliver high quality assessing and summative feedback. The study explores assessor
competencies based on the work of Baartmans and Gulikers (20128), self- efficacy in assessing based on the work
of Dellinger, Bobbett, Olivier and Ellett (2008) and sustainable summative feedback based on Nicol (2010). The
research has taken place in the context of a master education of applied science (HE) in the Netherlands. This
study proposes a model of co-construction of summative feedback and a model of education of assessors. The
results indicate that sustainable assessments need to educate the assessors in making reliable judgments in
assessing, self-efficacy will be stimulated and delivering sustainable summative feedback requires specific
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