Critical Success Factors in Total Quality Management Practices: a Secondary Education Institution Practice
Yaşar Akça, Gökhan Özer, Selim Akpınar
Secondary institutions and bodies of the young population in the country, mental, moral, spiritual, social and
cultural nature of development, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required by the age and aims to
prepare for the future. Students are able to solve the problems they will encounter after graduation, can evaluate
opportunities to enter the work, progress in the field, to adapt to change is directly related to the quality of
education. On the other hand, training outstanding amount of money, time, people, resources are transferred to
such instruments. However, it is either lack the required quality in human breeding. The aim of this study
secondary Total Quality Management (TQM) is to determine the critical success factors to be taken into account
in the application. Critical success factors; a few important factors to ensure success for the organization or the
manager (Boynton & Zmud, 1984: 17). Theoretically, the critical success factors to help managers achieve their
goals known. Because administrators complete control over the critical success factors are present, so they can
change them. Students, school employees, parents in terms of TQM Critical Success Factors Questionnaire were
organized. This questionnaire 104 students were answered by 104 parents and 13 school staff. Students that have
knowledge about TQM, schools of education and training activities, socio-cultural and the sporting events were
identified dissatisfaction with the guidance and orientation services. By parents has been positive behavior points
to the inadequacy of the services offered by the gain size of the school. School employees can not develop effective
leadership behaviors by managers, it was reported to be low in satisfaction and career management and
authorization issues.
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