Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Saudi EFL Teachers' Perceptions of Professional Development Activities
Prof. Dr. Yousif A. Alshumaimeri, Fahad M. Almohaisen

This study explored how often Saudi EFL teachers engage in professional development (PD) activities and how useful these activities were to them for their teaching practices. A random sample of seventy-seven English language teachers in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, was selected. Questionnaires were used as a data collection tool. The results showed that discussing lessons with supervisors and sharing ideas informally with colleagues about teaching were the PD activities these teachers do most often. Traveling to other countries for professional development purposes and attending international conferences were the least frequent PD activities that teachers engage in. The most useful PD activities indicated by the teachers were discussing lessons with supervisors and observing other teachers' lessons (peer observation). The study revealed, also, that two-thirds of the teachers were not satisfied with the PD activities they do at school. The teachers held a range of views about what PD is. The most common view, though, referred to activities which develop teachers' teaching skills. Teachers should view teaching as a professional continuum where professional development is a lifelong learning endeavor

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