School Staff’s Social Representation of Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asperger)
Ann-Charlotte Linton, Per Germundsson, Mikael Heimann, Berth Danermark
The current study examined and compared the social representations (SR) concerning the inclusion of students
with Asperser diagnosis (AS) among principals, school health professionals, and teachers. Swedish school staff
were invited to anonymously answer a web-based questionnaire (N=229). An association task was conducted to
obtain data on principals, school health professionals and teachers’ of inclusion of students with AS. The content
and structure of the SRs were explored by using the theoretical framework of social representation theory. Our
results suggest that principals were mainly concerned with the organization and structural level of inclusion.
School health professionals emphasized educational strategies, structure and routines and, students’ needs and
their individual potentials whereas teachers refer to their own interaction as the most important aspect and more
often than other staff referred to a burden. Social representation methodology offers unique opportunities for
research as well as for applications aiming to promote inclusion.
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