Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

The Role of Feedback and Co-Assessment to the Improvement of Students’ Learning in Higher Education
Susana Oliveira SÁ, PhD; Maria Palmira ALVES, PhD

We present the main results of an investigation, under the PhD in Educational Sciences, which aimed to analyse the implications of the assessment methods in the academic success of students. We carried out 18 hours of classroom observation and semi-structured interviews to the teacher who taught the curricular unit and to 5 students, who attended it, integrated in the curriculum of the Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences, in an institution of Higher Education. The data was analysed and categorized using the Web QDA - Support Software for Qualitative Analysis. The feedback given by the teacher allowed building dynamic learning environments that encouraged participation, sharing, collaboration, personal exposure, and constructive criticism, framed under the concept of active learning. The co-assessment provided rich experiences for the restructuring of knowledge of the students, favoring the regulation of their learning and the development of responsibility and autonomy, allowing them to develop met cognitive skills, assessment skills, intervention, and research.

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