Rethinking Health: Its Representation and Practice in Young People’s Discourse.
Victoria Elena Santillán Briceño, Esperanza Viloria Hernández, Ángel Manuel Ortiz Marín, Christian Fernández Huerta
Background: Since young people compose the age group with the highest population representation in Mexico
and Latin America, their lifestyles, discourse or pronouncements are strangers in a social environment governed
by normality. These are actions that cause curiosity and questioning to find out what is not directly visible: that
which leads them to act in a certain way in different aspects of their lives. These are lifestyles that take part in the
way young people are living today and how they experience their health and sexuality. They are analytical
concepts linked to modernity and its renewed forms of construction of personal and collective identities, as well
as of the expansion of spaces for socializing, in particular the interactive mobility of young people into
cyberspace. Methods: This present qualitative research effort is designed substantially from a cyberethnographic
perspective, in order to give insight on the youth cultures interacting in the border city of Mexicali,
Baja California, Mexico and Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina. This is a very thorough research effort that enables
the identification of health-sexuality as an analytical category revealing particular cultural codes. Sensitive
testimonials that speak of the encounter between the modern and youth experience today, whose description is the
purpose of this work. Results: sexuality is an important issue that is necessary in order to fully enjoy life from a
physical and mental perspective. The human development, quality of life and youth, health-sexuality as an
analytical category, health-sexuality: nature or culture, health-sex: representation and practice in youth
Conclusion: All of these are issues particular to a lifestyle that without a doubt affect development, therefore a
state of well-being, and the level of quality of life of people, because the way in which young people live and
experience these processes is directly associated with the feeling of satisfaction and valued pleasure, depending
on the capabilities, performance and positive outlook on life.
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