Philosophical Relevance of Physics Teacher Education Curricula in South Western Nigerian Universities to Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum
Ojediran, Isaac Ayodele
This study was carried out to examine the philosophy of Physics teacher education in Southwestern Nigeria
Universities in line with senior secondary school Physics curriculum. The study adopted a survey research
design. The study population comprised all the nine Universities offering Physics teacher-education programme
in Southwestern Nigeria and the only Physics curriculum for senior secondary school student by Nigeria
Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC, 2009). The instrument used for the study was
Philosophical Relevance and Adequacy Checklist (CPRAC). It was used to examine the philosophical relevance
of universities Physics teacher education in line with the philosophy of National Senior Secondary School Physics
Curriculum (SSSPC). Data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Results of the study showed
that out of nine universities selected, three universities (33.3%) had philosophy that is completely relevant to
SSSPC philosophical objectives. Philosophies of five universities (55.6%) are partially relevant while that of the
remaining 11.1% were poorly relevant to SSSPC philosophical objectives. The results showed the need for the
universities to embrace the Philosophy that will meet the need of secondary school Physics students and the
society. The study therefore concluded that the philosophy for Physics teacher education programme in
Southwestern Nigeria Universities does not meet the demand for teaching Physics in Secondary schools.
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