Justice through Recognition: A Philosophical Survey
Vinicio Busacchi
The question(s) of recognition has been largely discussed at the level of public and political debate, as well as
studied in psychology, sociology, theory of politics and philosophy since the nineteen’s. But there is still much to
do in studying and understanding all implications of it refereed to problems and experiences of misrecognition
and dehumanization, and referred to the dialectic connection between politics of recognition and social
recognition, social recognition and self-emancipation, self-emancipation and the recognition of the other. The
question of ‘What are the psychological, sociological and political implications?’ is still open, but now, thanks to
Taylor, Habermas, Ricoeur, and Honneth works (among others’ works) it is clear that recognition may be
established as a theoretical-practical basis for individual emancipation, social progress and strengthening of
justice and democracy.
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