Prepared for Graduation: A Multi-Faceted and Multi-Tiered Intervention to Support At-Risk High School Students
Daniel J. Boudah
National Assessment of Educational Progress data have indicated that many secondary students lack sufficient
literacy skills, and that students who receive free/reduced lunch, students from rural settings, and students with
disabilities are particularly low-performing (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015). Moreover,
sometimes these students lack connectedness, which has been linked to risk-taking behaviors and school dropout
(Gordon, Downey & Bangert, 2013; Balfanz, Herzog & Mac Iver, 2007). For at-risk students, including students
with disabilities, preparation for post secondary life is especially important. Engaging students in workforce
preparation is arguably as essential as academic preparation. Therefore, at-risk secondary students require
comprehensive interventions to keep them in school, attend to literacy needs, connect them with caring people,
and provide value-added opportunities to promote future well-being. This paper details the development and
evaluation of Prepared for Graduation, a multi-faceted and multi-tiered intervention to address the needs of atrisk
adolescents in a rural setting.
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