Journal of Education & Social Policy

ISSN 2375-0782 (Print) 2375-0790 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/jesp

Marriage as a Sociocultural Rite: Intergenerational Changes
Usha Chowdhary

The reported work qualitatively tested a proposed cultural theory model within the context of weddings from two different cultures using case studies as participating participant. The analysis included discussion of cognitive, structural, symbolic, sociocultural, economic and technological perspectives. Similarities and differences were ascertained between Indian and Indo-American wedding. Special attention was paid to aesthetic and symbolic transformations within and across two cultures. The methodology included participating participant approach, interviews with those who attended both weddings and photographic analysis. Findings revealed that the proposed model was supported by this qualitative inquiry. Changes in the forms of dressing patterns, interreligious marriages, expanded rituals, acculturation and impact of globalization were also seen. Intergenerational as well cross-cultural changes were also obvious. The findings and the methodologies from the reported study can be extended to further knowledge with regard to other rites of passage and cultures. The cultural theory model was supported.

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