Growing Up in a Globalised World and Starting Points for Adventure Education
Prof. Dr. Matthias D. Witte
Globalisation and corresponding economic, political, social, ecological and cultural changes have radically
altered the conditions in which children and young people grow up. Children and young people grow up under
complicated, unprecedented circumstances. Modern life seems more complex, ever faster, more challenging and
with stronger demands. Thus pedagogy is challenged with the task to provide guidelines for adolescents helping
them to get an intellectual and moral grasp on these social changes so that they can play their part in shaping
globalisation processes in a competent, responsible manner. This article initially poses the question how
globalisation is affecting children's and young people's life worlds. To what extent have their experiences and the
conditions in which they grow up changed? There are signs that globalisation is also leading to challenging
consequences for relationships and human encounters. The article goes on to study pedagogical considerations
which result from these processes of change, showing how adventure education can enable children and young
people to become competent engineers of an increasingly networked world.
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