Social Policy and Social Planning in Czechoslovakia and the Role of Social Work in Enterprises
Marie Špilácková
The article deals with development of social policy and social planning in Czechoslovakia in the second half of
the 20th century in the historical context of European social policy, focusing on the role of social work in
enterprises. Methodologically it is based on historical research applied in social work whose verifiable approach
enables interpretation of the ascertained historical facts. Two social transformations which occurred in
Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century prove that the social sphere is influenced by long standing
traditions. Although far-reaching changes in politics and economy were made after 1948, basic social systems
such as social security, public health and education maintained continuity with the past. The main managing tool
was a state plan. Long-term or comprehensive care programmes for workers in enterprises were among the first
practical attempts to implement social planning. Starting from the early fifties of 20th century, collective
agreements were concluded between management of enterprises and trade unions, containing numerous tasks of
social nature. Social care for workers in enterprises was carried out according to a social plan or programme of
the organization using its own resources. It particularly included care for the needs of employees and their
families, care for individuals and groups of employees requiring special and enhanced assistance by the
organization and care for former employees of the organization and their families. Social care for workers in
enterprises always paid attention to social activities in favour of the employee. Social workers in enterprises
performed a qualified professional activity.
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