Global Citizenship in a Time of Standards-Based Assessment: US K-12 Teachers’ Perspectives
Dr. Dana Burnside, Dr. Blake Lamberti Mackesy
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore, through three research questions, US K-12 teachers’
perceptions of global citizenship in a time of standards-based assessment, through the lens of Open Systems
Theory. The study sought to capture teacher definitions and understandings of global citizenship from teacher
interviews. The societal changes of the 21st Century have brought the importance of global competence and
citizenship to the fore of discussions about contemporary education. Yet education policy continues to perpetuate
standards-based accountability measures and high-stakes standardized testing for only a few subjects, which has
resulted in the unintended consequence of de-emphasizing other subjects vital to preparing our youth for success
in an increasingly global and rapidly changing world. Educators and policymakers need to rethink and redefine
the future to include global competence and citizenship.
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