Minimal Marking: Its Effect on Students’ Composition Writing
Dr, Arlene C. Dolotallas, Dr. Estrella F. Perez
The study is entitled “Minimal marking: Its Effect on Students’ Composition Writing”. Minimal marking is a
process that helps students recognize, diagnose, and correct their own typical errors by marking every error in
the composition writing. The study attempted to answer the following objectives: 1) Determine the performance
of students in the composition writing in terms of content/task fulfillment, organization, vocabulary, language use
and mechanics; 2) Find out the significant difference on the composition writing performance of the students
before and after the minimal marking activities; 3) Find out the significant difference on the performance of
students in terms of sex, age, type of high school last attended and Parents educational attainment; and 4)
Determine the difficulties encountered by the students in writing composition. The data were gathered through
experiment and a questionnaire for the responses. Results revealed that the composition writing performance of
the students before and after the minimal marking activities in the five components increased in the posttest
except for mechanics. It was concluded that minimal marking is good to improve writing skills if the English
teacher has thoroughly explained how it can be used.
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