A Comparison of the Beliefs and Priorities of Early Intervention Providers and the Families they Serve
Dr. James Coyle, Dr. Daniel McKee
This study was conducted to compare the perceptions and beliefs held by parents of children, aged three to five
years, receiving early intervention to those of early interventionists. The participants included parents whose
children were receiving early intervention provided by a regional education services agency in southeastern
Pennsylvania and the early interventionists who worked for the same agency. Professional participants reported
differences between parents and early interventionists regarding the role of the parent and the role of the early
interventionist. Early interventionists recommended improvements in parent involvement and responsiveness.
Parents offered recommendations for improving early intervention programs, expressing a need for improved
communication, collaboration, responsiveness and coordination of services. The study had implications for early
interventionists, parents, program design and early intervention practices. Recommendations for training for
parents and early interventionists were offered. Well-designed family outcomes as an aspect of the individual
education planning process were also recommended.
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